As I was looking for a good wall in Vrindavan, I saw this, what we call in Grafitti language “rooftop”. I thought “it is a good wall, it is a rooftop, and the best is, Radha’s name will not be on the floor”. So I was asking permission to paint. I found out that the house was called “Radha Kuthir” and wonderful Radha-Krishna deities were inside.
Before I began, they blessed me and gave some Maha Prasadam [vegetarian food offered to Lord Krishna], so I thought that this was a sign that I should paint, although I was in doubt to do it at all…
Thx, o Lord! Jaya Jaya Sri Radheeeee!
– Prayz108, March 2012, Vrindavan, India
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Wer dachte TULSIBEATZ sei gestorben, irrt sich. Wir arbeiten gerade an einem schlimmen Comeback! Zieht euch warm an! Prayz und T-Luck arbeiten gerade hart an neuen Tracks zusammen mit Simon Sonic und Mike D.C. und wollen noch im Januar 2013 die deutsche Hip-Hop-Landschaft zum Beben bringen. Auch geplant ist eine Collabo mit Beat-Produzenten August Nebel und dem EmCee Prince Tiny aus Las Vegas!